Get to know Willy

About Willy: Willy, a retired flight attendant, spent over 23 years soaring the skies! Throughout his career, he had the privilege of acquainting himself with numerous cities, countries, cultures, and, of course, their cuisine. This is one of the many reasons why Willy adores food and cooking. Willy is passionate about traveling, meeting people, and sharing his beautiful home country of Costa Rica, with people around the world. From his cozy residence in San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica, he imparts the art of recreating the distinct flavors found in his cherished local recipes with guests.

Location: San Jose, Costa Rica



Private Classes

Tortillas and Gallo Pinto

Gallo Pinto & Tortillas

*Exclusive EYN Recipe Kit Class

Learn how to make the most iconic Costa Rican dish - Gallo Pinto! This dish is traditionally served for breakfast but is so popular that it is eaten throughout the day. Full of rice, beans, and veggies, this dish is sure to fill you up. In addition to the Gallo Pinto, Willy will also teach you how to make corn tortillas from scratch!

What’s Included in the Recipe Kit:
- All ingredients pre-measured, prepped & labeled
- A tortilla warmer
- A customized pdf for your event with kit instructions
- Delivered right to your guests’ doors

Class Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Dietary Fit: Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, & Dairy-Free
Vegan with modifications. Kits are standardized and do not include ingredients for dietary modifications. Customers must procure their own ingredients for any substitutions.

Costa Rican Empanadas

Bean & Cheese Empanadas

In this class, Willy teaches how to make the Costa Rican version of a Latin American favorite - empanadas. His version is pan-fried, filled with beans and cheese, and served with a cabbage salad.

Class Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Dietary Fit: Vegetarian & Gluten-Free
Dairy-Free & Vegan with modifications

tortillas and picadillo

Tortillas & Picadillo

No more store-bought tortillas! In this class you will learn how to make corn tortillas from scratch and Picadillo, a classic Latin American beef and potato filling.

Class Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Dietary Fit: Dairy-Free & Gluten-Free
Vegetarian & Vegan with modifications

Want more recipe choices? Customize your event to have access to all of Willy’s recipes!

Upcoming Community Classes